VEDRAJ POLYTECH LLP is company formed & establishes in FY 2021 by young experienced entrepreneur Mr. Ankur M Thakur who have worked into Polymer Industry for 22 yrs with various companies inside Thermoplastic Engineering Polymers. Vision is to form strong association with companies for developing markets for polymers within its customer base. Identifying future trends of new project & partnering for developments.
We are engaged in identifying to develop markets for emerging demand of Thermoplastic Engineering Polymers in INDIA with providing Local & Import sourcing hands to customers.
We seek opportunities to build bridge between customers & sources to manage most competitive buying products to contribute to customer’s growth line with ease of INDENTING & IMPORTING on their behalf with local supplies too.
We also connect Customer for solution to MOLDS – MOLD ACCESSORIES – JOB WORK management within our clients to provide customer better & experienced competitive edge of market.
©2024. Vedraj Polytech LLP. All Rights Reserved.